
It is the responsibility and achievement of parents to ensure that their children's learning is in place in one step.

With Taiwan's international positioning policy, American English learning has become more and more important. How to let children learn American English as early as possible has become an important topic for parents... The sooner you learn a foreign language, the better. Most people get the message that the earlier they learn a foreign language, the better.


? Because the smaller the contact, the more natural it becomes! "When I was over two years old, I entered the school at the youngest age. After one semester, I could already have a conversation with us in American English. Sometimes the vocabulary I used exceeded my vocabulary," J2 Jasper's father, who works in finance, shared.

"Addy has just turned two and entered school. She is currently studying at J3 and is about to enter elementary school. American English has already become one of her mother tongues. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a native speaker," Addy's mother, who teaches at a national university, expressed happily and gratifiedly.

Is training from an early age a panacea for foreign language learning?

However, early learning is not always a success story. J2 Candice's parents, who are senior executives in the technology industry, first chose a kindergarten for their sister that was well-known and advertised as international. "After attending it for a year, I found that the child could only read the content in the textbook. When the same sentence appeared in other picture books, my sister didn't recognize it, and the school teachers were not very good at handling peer disputes. Soon after, my sister began to hate going to school. This was a big surprise..."

The four children in the family all grew up in Happy Marian. The eldest, Ailsa, studied AT3. Yang’s father, who is currently a manager at Garmin, shared: “At first, we chose to hire external teachers ourselves, but after taking classes, we found that in addition to speaking, reading and writing The ability is obviously insufficient!”

Ap2 Gregory & J3 Floyd’s parents originally chose a well-known bilingual kindergarten for their children, but found that they only spoke American English in the American English course, and had troubles in daily life, nature, mathematics, etc., as well as between teachers and students or between classmates. Still talking in Mandarin, he feels that his child has not made significant progress. What worries him even more is that his child is no longer enthusiastic about learning American English..." Choosing the right teaching environment and methods is the right answer

Gregory's father, who works as the vice president of an e-commerce company, said with emotion: "Only through comparison can we know how good Happy Marian is! In the past, we thought that children need to run and jump when they are young, and we always selected schools based on spatial orientation. But after switching to Happy Marian, I deeply feel that professional teaching concepts and rich courses are more important for children!"

Etnan's parent, who is a doctor, said: "At first, I only hoped that Ethan, who had just turned two years old, could lay a solid foundation in American English, but unexpectedly he learned far more than I did. There was much more expected! Ability to take care of oneself, respect for others and courtesy... Looking at Ethan's progress, I am sure and glad that I chose Happy Marian!" "At first we were worried that Winnie, who was two and a half years old, would not be able to adapt to the American English

. environment, the result was beyond our expectations, because in addition to imparting knowledge, Happy Marian also focused on character education. Seeing that she took the initiative to help us clean the environment, take care of her own clothes, etc., we were impressed by her performance in many aspects. It's amazing, and more importantly, she looks forward to entering Happy Marian's classroom every day..."

Recommended by her elementary school English teacher, Belinda entered Happy Marian's AP2. At the beginning, the whole family was under great pressure to keep up with the progress. " Now I see that Belinda can play UNO in American English and teach me the "shuffle" joke, with beautiful pronunciation, and read the movie narration she wrote... I am touched every moment." Belinda's father, who is engaged in scientific research and development, said: "The American education and institutional education provided by Happy Marian are balanced, which I think is the most precious thing." It is the responsibility of parents to make good choices and not waste their children's golden period of learning, and it is also the achievement of establishing a comprehensive American English school in 1991 Mary Ann, a happy person who studies and educates all-round personality development, has cultivated countless outstanding students. What is gratifying is that after

many years, these elite talents still remember their childhood studies. Not long ago, one of them is currently studying as a fourth-year student in the Department of Medicine at a university. Leo, an alumnus of the same grade, called and wanted to find teachers from J2 ~ J3 to attend his white robe ceremony. There were also alumni who couldn't wait to sign up for their three-month-old child at the campus. Time is precious, and those are the golden years of children’s enlightenment. It is the parents’ responsibility to help their children’s learning process without taking any detours, and at the same time cultivate the habit of loving learning so that their children can benefit for life. a major achievement
2023-09-19 22:34